


潘玉良藝術網站正式上線 Launch of the Pan Yuliang website




Dear Friends,

In 2011, The Li-Ching Foundation began to construct websites dedicated to Chinese artists of the modern era in the hopes of encouraging students to study this much neglected field of art history, inviting scholars to exchange ideas, enhancing collectors’ quests to understand and own artwork from this genre and, in general, providing material and information to all interested parties. To date, we have completed websites dedicated to two giants of modern Chinese art — Sanyu and Ding Yanyong — the success of which has been measured by the high number of “hits” and inquiries for more information.

This year, we are happy to announce the launch of our third artist website constructed in collaboration with The Anhui Museum and AMCA (the Archives of Modern Chinese Art) dedicated to the life and art of one of the most gifted and renowned woman artists of the 20th century, Pan Yuliang. We invite you to visit this site, share with us your thoughts and offer any suggestions or comments.
